
Spectra Tech is a trusted leader in the nuclear industry offering a wide range of specialized services. Our extensive resource pool includes industry leaders, former regulatory staff members, former U.S. Department of Energy and  National Nuclear Security Agency experts, and other highly skilled personnel who worked at nuclear facilities for both commercial utilities and government contractors in a variety of capacities including field operations. We have direct experience providing nuclear and radiological facility solutions and a thorough understanding of applicable regulations.

Advanced Reactor Design

Modeling & Simulation

Neutronics & Shielding Analysis

Support Preliminary Designs & Down Selection

Optimize Design to Meet Target Performance

Lifecycle Analysis

Nuclear Licensing/Nuclear Safety

DOE 3009-14 Implementation

Programmatic Leadership

Lead Document Safety Analysis (DSA) Preparers

Hazard Identification, Accident Analysis

Safety SSCs Selection

USQ Preparation/Review

Establish UQG Training Programs

Preparation/Review of PISAs

Criticality Safety

NCS Operations Support

NCS Facility Walkthroughs & Inspections

NCSE Development in Accordance with DOE-STD-3007-2017

Software Quality Assurance

Software Verification & Validation

CAAS Detector Coverage & Placement Analysis

Safeguards & Security

Domestic & International Safeguards

Additional Protocol (Policy, Concepts, Engagement, & Training)

Export Control Review & Compliance

Assessments of all MC&A Functions

Tamper Indicating Technologies & Containment Surveillance (C/S) Methodologies

Nondestructive Assay (NDA) Measurements

Safeguards Measurement Control Programs

Safeguards & Security Training

Terminating Safeguards at Legacy Facilities

Support for ID or MUF Determination

Support for Methods of Assuring Data Integrity

Safeguards & Security Assessments

Security by Design Approaches

Proliferation Resistant Designs

Nuclear Nonproliferation & Stockpile Stewardship

Conduct of Operations

Startup & Operation of Hazard Category II Facilities

Restart & Commissioning, Readiness

Flow Down & Implementation of Regulatory Requirements

Independent Evaluation & Assessment

Corrective Action Plan Development & Completion

Supervisory Watch, SME ConOps Coaching

Training & Procedures Development

Human Performance

Safety Basis Implementation & Compliance

Contractor Assurance

Nuclear Fuel Cycle Services

Nuclear Facilities Management & Operations


Geologic Disposal Facility Licensing

Nuclear & Radiological Materials Management

Spent Fuel Management

Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Licensing Renewals

ISFSI Aging Management Plan Development & Implementation

Physical Security

Drills & Exercises

Emergency Management

Radiation Protection

Nuclear Safety

Criticality Safety

Spent Fuel Bump Credit (BUC)

Computational Validation

Materials Management

Safe Storage

Materials Disposition

Fissile Materials Licensing

Radioactive Materials Licensing

Questions? Reach out!

Mike Dunn Headshot

Mike Dunn

VP, Nuclear Services

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Spectra Tech holds a GSA PSS contract. Our contract information is available on the GSA Advantage! website. Spectra Tech also holds a Seaport-e contract.